Suellen’s Story
Suellen Heartsong
… we are a community…
My name is Suellen. I joined Virtual Ability after meeting James in Second Life and deciding that my own disabilities, as well as learning about his, were worth the support offered. I enjoy the interaction with the members of our community and the ability to help in any way that I can. I think my voice adds to some of the presentations when I am able to help with those and thoroughly enjoy doing them.
I also do DJ sets and just enjoy chatting in the group chat. We all seem to chat at different times and about so many things, it truly expands the wealth of knowledge that each member I have met holds.
When others ask about Virtual Ability, first thing I say is it is a community where you can interact with others who may have similar disabilities but are in-world doing things and meeting people. The teaching course on the Island is one of the best places to start learning things and typically if someone wants to go there, I will take them and go through the course with them…. Learning things from others and teaching others is something that I enjoy about being part of Virtual Ability.
Virtual Ability is very much about community for me. Being part of VAI gives me some sort of purpose in SL as well as the much needed interactions. Plus being part of VAI gives me contact with people that is so needed, even though I may be miles or oceans away from the other members. We are a community.